
 -> New server 1 and 2 Czech Republic
With joy you must announce, that thanks to Diabolik we agreed with the clan KRYGL on the new server one, and possibly, depending on load, the second server, on which will change a large map Bahnar and Storm. As is custom, on the first server, grenades has been disabled and any games with them will be punished. On the second server grenades are allowed. Thank to Diabolik and to clan KRYGL.

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Odkazy: • stránky klanu KRYGL
napsal LG - 13.02.2011 - 19:00


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#3 od* 05.03.2011 - 13:15
Avatar   nedostupné offline quote

fajn to je dobresmiling

#2 od LG Clanmember 16.02.2011 - 10:53
Avatar   Czech Republic email Domovská stránka offline quote

máme i zahraniční náštěvníky ale zatím jich není mocsmiling

#1 od sCrApY" 15.02.2011 - 23:10
Avatar   Slovak Republic offline quote

Kouká někdo i na ti AJ překlady? smiling :P chtěl bych slyšet váš názor :P Ďekujeme ti smiling

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